We don’t stop there anymore. But travelers who go abroad next summer will most likely have to deal with corona measures in their holiday country. And they can sometimes surprise you. The ANWB therefore calls on travelers to read carefully before going on holiday. The corona rules differ per country, including in Europe. ‘Things to watch out for’“When you enter a country, you have to pay close attention to the requirements a country sets for your proof,” says Mandy van der Plas of ANWB Reiswijzer. “Look at Germany, for example, where such a recovery certificate is only valid for 90 days, while in the rest of Europe the proof is valid for 180 days.” Other corona rules also apply in Italy. “There you need proof from the age of 6. In other countries this is often only at the age of 12. Those are really things you have to pay attention to.” Corona travel cardThe European Union has extended the use of the corona travel card (DCC) for a year. This mainly affects travelers who will travel by plane to their holiday destination next summer. They must be able to show that they have been vaccinated, have recovered from corona or have tested negative. Bring a mouth capThe ANWB has recently been receiving more and more questions from travelers about the corona measures abroad, says Van der Plas. In any case, she advises them to take a mouth cap with them when traveling. Check it out on Wejustgotback.com for more information. “Especially if you go by plane, a mouth cap is often still required on the plane. But it is also mandatory at many destinations, for example in public transport.” In the Netherlands, that rule was abolished a few months ago. Mexico popular due to absence of measuresFenny Koppen of travel agency Riskja Travel sees that when booking travel there are questions about the corona measures in force abroad. “But there are also a lot of travelers who only think about the measures after booking.” According to Koppen, Mexico is now especially popular with holidaymakers because there is no longer any obligation there. Challenges due to corona testThe travel agency is specialized in tours. But that brings challenges. “For example, if you have to do a PCR test during a transfer. It is very annoying if you suddenly have to be left behind after a positive test.” Therefore, the travel agency tries to avoid routes where such a test is mandatory. “Asia is the only distant region where this is still difficult. But you can actually travel anywhere around it.”